Flight Instructor ( CFI ) – Details

Certification: Flight Instructor ( CFI ) for Airplane or Helicopter
Duration: 20 days
Price EUR 4.500 Airplane / EUR 6.500 Helicopter
Prerequisites: Commercial Pilot Licence

Becoming a Flight Instructor ( CFI ) is a great option for a professional career in aviation. Not only can it generate a substantial income, but it’s also proof of your experience as a pilot and will become a very important part in your resume.

The practical and oral test for the Flight Instructor Licence is known between pilots as “the hardest checkride ever”. We agree with that, it simply comes with the responsibility to instruct future pilots.  To give you the best preparation for this test, we have designated Flight Instructors specialised for our Flight Instructor Course.

Our package includes:

  • all required books
  • 40 hrs ground school
  • 5 hrs flight instruction
  • 5 hrs simulator instruction


contact us for more info and availability –>

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